A military personnel tells them that they are going to 'testing' which is a series of tests run by a doctor to see if people are Carriers which Zoey reacts to nervously. Once they arrived, the Survivors are woken up and ordered at gunpoint to leave their weapons behind and are marched out of the rescue vehicle where they are met with aggressive military personnel who immediately did not get along with Francis and threatened to shoot anybody who tries to run away. Bill, Zoey, Francis and Louis are taken to Millhaven after they are rescued by the Military at the farmhouse. Millhaven is a military outpost first mentioned in the Left 4 Dead comic The Sacrifice, based on the DLC campaign of the same name.
If I didn't know better, I would say your report was tailor made to foster dissention in my ranks.' ―Major Everly
The walls of this compound are twenty feet Lt. ' Whiskey Deltas capable of jumping heights of thirty feet or more.